Dave Hockaday WB4IUY, Youngsville NC USA FM05
The Mobile Station

The Mobile Station @ WB4IUY/AC4QD

This is a pic of the mobile portion of the station equipment here. I got this from my good friend Jay KQ4MS before he passed away, and I often think of Jay when I use this rig.

It works 2m & 440mhz FM, and does a great job. I use it with a Diamond Dual-Bander mobile antenna.

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The Previous Mobile Station

The Previous Mobile Station @ WB4IUY/AC4QD

This is a pic of the previous mobile station, pulled out of service around 2001. I had it installed in my previous vehicle, and could operate 2m, 220, and 10m.

The previous mobile amateur radio station was comprised of a RCI-2950 10 meter monoband rig coupled to a 200 watt rf power amplifier. I uses it primarily to work into my local 10 meter FM repeater on 29.620. For VHF/UHF operation, I used a Kenwood TM-621 2m/220 dual band radio.

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